Painting to left of first English settlers
Painting to right is mine of Pemaquid Indian camp
The Indian is wearing RED OCHER PAINT
she is not from New England,
Painting to left is mine of the St Geo.River
Artifacts found along Saint George River in Maine.
A cave like built hut
Went to a lecture here are some things will explain further down.
All finds each one different He also had copper coins from King Philip and others. Belt Buckles and Hair combs

Here are some things that were explained to us. arrow heads and tools
WIGWAMS New England Indians
The Pre -Historic were great sea men Their canoes were huge and at some sites were found old swordfish bones. Now you have to go out pretty far for thatfish.
Saint George River
Yesterday at the Midcoast Women's Club in Camden, we had a speaker Chris Adams. He brought in relic's for 40 minutes unpacking them with the help of his Son. Then the lecture began. I was so excited as all his finds were
Posted by Yvonne Rosenfield @ La Petite Gallery
Comments are welcome----Yvonne
They built them very big
Saint George River

Yesterday at the Midcoast Women's Club in Camden, we had a speaker Chris Adams. He brought in relic's for 40 minutes unpacking them with the help of his Son. Then the lecture began. I was so excited as all his finds were
almost in my back yard..I couldn't believe that all this time I have been here I never knew. One of the earliest White Settler's village in ruin's and all the Red Paint artifact on the St. George River.
These people existed two thousand years before the Pyramids. It is such a Mystery. They just Vanished....In 1892 CC Willoughby Archaeologist of the Peabody Museum of Harvard , was on an Archeology dig in Bucksport Maine. They found mounds and when the shovel went into the earth it started to bleed. (the red ocher) The tools and relic's found were much more sophisticated and highly more developed craftsmanship that the Indians we know. They made excellent large boats. They found SWORDFISH BONES in the digs so they were capable of going out pretty far in the ocean.Very religious with burials they seemed very concerned about the afterlife.
These people existed two thousand years before the Pyramids. It is such a Mystery. They just Vanished....In 1892 CC Willoughby Archaeologist of the Peabody Museum of Harvard , was on an Archeology dig in Bucksport Maine. They found mounds and when the shovel went into the earth it started to bleed. (the red ocher) The tools and relic's found were much more sophisticated and highly more developed craftsmanship that the Indians we know. They made excellent large boats. They found SWORDFISH BONES in the digs so they were capable of going out pretty far in the ocean.Very religious with burials they seemed very concerned about the afterlife.
The stone artifacts are unlike any of the Indians that later occupied this territory.
Paleolithic People the "Red Paint " Indians.
The early New Englander's that found the red ocher graves regarded them with extreme suspicion.
To find one was a bad or evil omen . . So much for that....They found that the red ocher was good to paint furniture with Decorating started then in America. Shell mounds are still found it took centuries to get them so large.
This is where they had clam Bakes at the shore side and tools and relics were found in the heaps of shells.
They found 2 skeletons in red ocher graves but the bones turned to dust when the air hit them.
During this lecture I found out the first St. George Fort was at the mouth of the St George River near Cushing .
He also found English silver coins on the shore (George Rex) and King Philip
SO that's That.. Wonder where they went..wonder what they looked like...
Wonder where they came from.. VIKINGS???
Earliest White Settlement . All in my neighborhood ..
If you like this check out New England Megalithic Monuments
The early New Englander's that found the red ocher graves regarded them with extreme suspicion.
To find one was a bad or evil omen . . So much for that....They found that the red ocher was good to paint furniture with Decorating started then in America. Shell mounds are still found it took centuries to get them so large.
This is where they had clam Bakes at the shore side and tools and relics were found in the heaps of shells.
They found 2 skeletons in red ocher graves but the bones turned to dust when the air hit them.
During this lecture I found out the first St. George Fort was at the mouth of the St George River near Cushing .
He also found English silver coins on the shore (George Rex) and King Philip
SO that's That.. Wonder where they went..wonder what they looked like...
Wonder where they came from.. VIKINGS???
Earliest White Settlement . All in my neighborhood ..
If you like this check out New England Megalithic Monuments
Posted by Yvonne Rosenfield @ La Petite Gallery
Comments are welcome----Yvonne
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