I can't stand it anymore.
We have put people in the Government that
really are incompetent. They don't know what
they are doing.
I'd start by making their pay cuts, no more benifits, and make them pay Social Security. What make's them any better than me?
We put them in office and no one even investagates them. We should turn every rock, look under the beds. If they are caught making deals for themselves,while in office
Fire them.
We really need to cut back their silly spending.
Why do we need so Many??
Less might get the job done, let them sweat their jobs.
The Gravy train has to stop.

Someone is playing the ole shell game, don't ya think?
So here they are playing Tug of war
with our lives, Fightin like Children
in Congress.
Something is wrong. The gears of the Govt.
are broken.. They are acting like idiots.
Get the Job done.

A fine thing for adults. Fighting in congress, well, I
guess they could be playin with computers
or sleeping during the session. Don't Laugh
It Happins.. The Gravy train, we are the fools
they laugh about.
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