Will the New Congress
Save Social Security,
Medicare and Medicaid
or Cut Benefits?
The Middle Class
wants to know.
Wake up and smell the roses. Congress is burying us.
By May 1, 2016, Congress will officially end a series of Social Security's most lucrative benefits.
This will cause an estimated $11.41 billion to effectively disappear.
“Buried in the new rules that the House Republican majority {adopted} for the 114thCongress is a provision that could threaten Disability Insurance (DI) beneficiaries — a group of severely impaired and vulnerable Americans — with a sudden, one-fifth cut in their benefits by late 2016. The provision bars the House from replenishing the DI trust fund simply by shifting some payroll tax revenues from Social Security’s retirement trust fund.”
It is a historic amount of money.Currently, as many as 21.3 million Americans could be eligible for large payouts from these benefits.
“Buried in the new rules that the House Republican majority {adopted} for the 114thCongress is a provision that could threaten Disability Insurance (DI) beneficiaries — a group of severely impaired and vulnerable Americans — with a sudden, one-fifth cut in their benefits by late 2016. The provision bars the House from replenishing the DI trust fund simply by shifting some payroll tax revenues from Social Security’s retirement trust fund.”
It is a historic amount of money.Currently, as many as 21.3 million Americans could be eligible for large payouts from these benefits.
And if you are one of them, your time is quickly running out to step forward and claim what is rightfully yours.
Here's what you need to know.
The banning of these benefits has been set in motion thanks to the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015-2016.
In Section 831 of this legislation, it clearly states this reform was intended to prevent recipients from collecting more money from the Social Security Administration (SSA) than Congress intended.
With the Federal debt quickly approaching $19 trillion, not surprisingly, these dramatic changes were passed in both the House (266-167) and Senate (64-35) with overwhelming majorities.
And this past November President Obama signed the reform into law.
Congress and the White House Have Finally Found Something They Can Agree on.
The policy, known as site-neutral Medicare payments, is similar to one included in President Obama’s budget, which would also have gone into effect retroactively. It has been endorsed by Congress’s panel of outside Medicare experts, MedPac.
The White House and GOP have also struck a major deal on an ObamaCare provision that requires large employers to automatically enroll new employees in health plans and rollover current employees.
That measure, which has been twice delayed, has not yet gone into effect. It has already passed the House as part of its budget reconciliation measure earlier this month. That change alone was expected to save about $8 billion through 2025, according to the Congressional Budget Office.
In another win for Democrats, the budget deal incorporates a cost-saving strategy for Medicaid, in which generic drug-makers are required to pay additional rebates to state Medicaid programs when their drug costs increase faster than inflation.
The idea has been pushed by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who is running for the Democratric presidential nomination, and Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), who say it would help save Medicaid about $500 million over 10 years.
House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) had pushed for “structural entitlement reforms” during weeks of talks with the White House, according to a source familiar with the talks.
“This would be the first significant reform to Social Security since 1983 and would result in $168 billion long-term savings,” the source said.
Cheating us, because they have
abused the system, we pay for their private flights home after 3 days work. They are the cause for the money problems.Posted by Yvonne
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