Seeing this made me miss
my Mother.
When I went to Texas to
get my Mother we left this behind.
There was no way to get it to Florida.
My Mom's
sofa was green

Empire table
The side table, I asked my Nephew to get them.
she had this table but,
it was dark
I still have some Interior Design
Magazines from the 78-80-90's
I am not crazy about what the
designers are doing today.
It's Cold and Empty.
Empire plant stand. That was left also.
Years later, my friend and
fellow Antique shop owner
had it in her shop. We used to trade
furniture if we couldn't sell it.
I had a younger Neighborhood
near my shop.
Her shop was a wealthier neighborhood.
Location, Location.
This Empire desk was Mother's
and I took it to the hotel I had
in N.Carolina. A few years before.
Better shot
of it.

I had my picture
taken in this chair,
My Daughter also and
Grand Daughter. all at the age
of six years old.
They were lost in my House Fire.
I still love these chairs.
Mamma had Alzheimer's , it has
to be awful to lose your memories.
I"ll be 80 years old next year,
so far so good.
Posted by Yvonne @ La Petite Gallery
Comments are welcome
It's funny how some furniture reminds us of our loved ones. That plant stand is so unique and lovely. I bet you have special memories of the picture you took in the white chair. Thanks for sharing the bits of furniture that reminds you of your past.
I love that old furniture. I have mostly oak and some cherry and I cannot put all colors of chalk paint or whatever on them. I found a recipe that takes all what spots and anything off the wood. I am just old fashioned. I will be 80 in 1 and 1/2 years and my mother had alzheimers too. I tell my husband If I was gonna have it I would have it now. How your weather is nice. It is rainy and cold still in Ky.