Saturday, May 21, 2016


Is it any wonder why the BEE"S  disappear.

We know that bees have been producing
 honey as they do today for at least 
100 million years (since the Cretaceous period). 
Bees produce honey as food stores for
the hive during the long months of winter when
flowers aren't blooming and therefore little or 
no nectar is available to them.

 Think about it.

we are the cause the Earth is changing..

Posted by Yvonne @ La Petite Gallery'
comments are welcome


  1. I got stung by bees several times in my life; not a pleasant feeling at all. I did nothing to attract the bee, but perhaps there was something about me that made it attack me.
    (Regarding your comment on my post The Blue Zones - your doctor is right; you're fine. I wish you to stay fine for many, many years to come).

  2. Isn't it sad that these creatures have thrived for millions of years, then WE COME ALONG and ruin everything. Sad.

  3. It is a sign of the times I think. So said it is happening. We must take care of Mother Earth.

  4. Yes, thank Monsanto and their genetically engineered seeds that grow crops with built in pesticides. Nobody wants to acknowledge that.......

  5. The global bee decline must be stopped because as we know humans couldn't survive if all bees die!

  6. a good post Yvonne I have a couple of neighbors who have honey bees and sell their honey from their backyard. The quality is fantastic so superior to store brands.


Thank You,
I Love To Get YOUR Comments !!!

Masquerade #88

Masquerade #88

Winter Deers in Maine # 89

Winter Deers in Maine # 89

Nun in St. Augustine #90

Nun in St. Augustine #90

Abe # 91

Abe # 91

Teddy Roosevelt # 92

Teddy Roosevelt # 92
unfinished still working

FDR # 93

FDR  # 93
Franklyn D. Roosevelt

Duke Himself # 94

Duke Himself  # 94

Yorkie # 95

Yorkie # 95

Poodle dog # 96

Poodle dog # 96

Boxer #97

Boxer  #97

Boston Terrior #98

Boston Terrior #98

what's Cooking? # 99

what's Cooking?    # 99

Cocker # 100

Cocker # 100

Mr. Hobo # 101

Mr. Hobo # 101

Mr. Pug # 102

Mr. Pug # 102

Where are You? # 103

Where are You? # 103

West Point # 105

West Point  # 105

General Eisenhower #106

General Eisenhower #106

Rockland Strand #104

Rockland Strand #104

General Geo. Patton # 107

General Geo. Patton # 107
WW 11

Gen.l Douglas Mac Arthur# 108

Gen.l Douglas Mac Arthur# 108

Abe #149

Abe  #149
Took it's toll

Russian Samovar # 150

Russian Samovar # 150
Russian Samovar # 150

sheep heading home #151

sheep heading home #151
sold to Dan and Liz Finberg

Liberty Belle Farm #152

Liberty Belle Farm #152
my old farm for sale

My Thor #153

My Thor #153
Thor at Christmas

Winston # 154

Winston   # 154
Bull dog blue ribbon

Penobscot Indians camp # 155

Penobscot Indians camp # 155
Penobscot camp Maine

After the ball # 156

After the ball # 156
oil in board framed for sale

Belted Galloway # 157

Belted Galloway    # 157

autumn in Maine # 158

autumn in Maine # 158
Autumn in Maine

October # 159

October  # 159
Spruce head , in october

Maple Syrup #160 sold

Maple Syrup  #160 sold
Party in Maine- sold

Ravens sold #161

Ravens   sold  #161
Ravens are here

Some headache # 162

Some headache # 162
Why Me? Sold June 2016

Cassa Blanca's sold #163

Cassa Blanca's sold #163
cassa blanca's sold Schupack

Albatross # 164

Albatross # 164

Southern Magnolia # 165

Harrington Cove # 166

Harrington Cove #  166
Harrington Cove

The Endeavor # 167 #167

The Endeavor # 167                           #167
The Endeavor On harrington cove

Russian Cossacks #168

Russian Cossacks  #168
Cossacks Three

Fishing boats # 169

Fishing boats # 169
2nd Prize Winner - Lobster Festival Art Show - Rockland Maine - Summer 2008

Three Guy's in a Dory # 170

Three Guy's in a Dory # 170
Three guys in a Dory

The Babe # 171

The Babe # 171
Babe 16x20