I wonder how much
Money we have spent on
Things are over the top.
George Washington
worked for $25,000 a year.
Maybe if TRUMP wins he will do it for nothing as he is a millionare.
He will make it up on underthetable deals.
saysThe Associated Press' Josh Lederman.
And according to a new analysis by the
Congressional Research Service (CRS),
"the costs don't stop once you leave the White House."
Between pensions, office space and staff, postage, travel
and other benefits, the U.S. spent nearly $3.7 million
in 2012 on our four living former presidents and
Ronald Reagan's widow, Nancy Reagan.
Get a load of your TAX MONEY, LOOKIE HERE!
..............Legislation to Amend the FPA ............................................................................................. 2 Varied Post-Presidency Circumstances .... 3 International Comparisons ............. 3 Benefits Available to Former Presidents ........................ 4 Transition Expenses .......... 10 Pensions ................. 11 Office Space and Staffing Allowances .......................... 12 Travel Expenses ................... 13 Secret Service Protection ............................... 13 Health Benefits .......... 14 Funerals ............................... 15 Some Potential Policy Options for Congress ......... 16 The Informal Public Role of a Former President..................................................................... 16 Expectations, Limitations, and Opportunities of a Former President ...................................... 17 Pensions of the Widows of Former Presidents ........................................................................ 18 Placing Limits on Certain Benefits .............................................
Currently four former Presidents and one former First Lady receive pensions and benefits pursuant to the FPA. For FY2015, Congress appropriated $3,252,000 for expenditures for former Presidents (P.L. 113-235), $298,000 (8.4%) less than the $3,550,000 appropriated for FY2014 (P.L. 113-76). The enacted level for FY2015 was the lowest appropriation since FY2009. For FY2016, President Obama requested $3,277,000 for expenditures for former Presidents.
Recent Legislation to Amend the FPA On April 14, 2015, Representative Jason Chaffetz, Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, introduced the Presidential Allowance Modernization Act (H.R. 1777). The bill, among other changes, seeks to cap a former President’s pension at $200,000—removing the current pay link to that of Cabinet Secretaries. H.R. 1777 seeks to provide a former President an additional $200,000 annual allowance to be used as he determined. H.R. 1777 would remove other benefits, including those currently provided for travel, staff, and office expenses. Additionally, for every dollar a former President earned in each fiscal year that was in excess of $400,000, his federal government-provided annual allowance would be reduced by $1. Further, if a former President held an elected position in the federal or District of Columbia governments, H.R. 1777 would require that he forfeit his rights to a pension until he left office. H.R. 1777 also seeks to raise the pension available to the widow of a former President, from $20,000 to $100,000.
Posted by Yvonne @ La Petite Gallery
Comments are welcome
To live simply, humbly and with love....that is what I want in this world of thievery and sensationalism.
ReplyDeleteThis is funny sad. It's not nearly close to being as bad as THOUSANDS of other expenditures.
I guess I just do the best I can each day and pray Washington wakes up one day and realizes what a burden it has been on everyday folks like us. Have a great week-end.
ReplyDeleteIt's all according to law. They make the laws, and nobody really protests at the time of the law-making. It's just as now nobody really protests against the Fed's printing of money which helps the President make people believe everything is under control so they can go on growing roses in their yard and practicing the good life. Well, nothing is under control, certainly not the economy.
ReplyDeleteOh dear Yvonne:
ReplyDeleteMuch love and peace and joy to you this Memorial Day!
Dear Duta-- Well said, now back to my day dreaming job of tending my rose garden,,,
HR177 was something no one heard about in April 2015. But the media likes to help keep EMOTIONAL issues in the news. I am a firm believer that they do this so we the American public will not be aware what the Government has done. Too bad we the people could not vote on important bills. Maybe more would be aware what is happening. But then again if you have ever heard any interviews on the street on different shows you would believe we are a nation of Idiots. Until we get common sense and other qualities in government we are fair game to their Greed. Peace